Welcome, OZEKHOME PETER VICTOR, to the NITI Exam Hall
Please identify yourself and do a translation of the two texts below.
You have a maximum of 90 MINUTES beginning from now. Good luck.
You have a maximum of 90 MINUTES beginning from now. Good luck.
You can’t choose who your parents will be or where you will be born. But for every other thing, we have a choice. Try to make the best possible choice in life. Families, both immediate and extended put a lot of pressure on you; therefore, you need to make a lot of serious decisions. Before you got married you were free to make your decisions. Please one advice I want to give you is to make the right choice in marriage, that is, try as much as possible to marry the right person. The choice of your career is another important type of choice to seriously consider. In choosing a career, you need to choose the one you love. Don’t choose a career simply because a lot of people are in that career. Finally, it is your responsibility to create a positive atmosphere for yourself. This means you are to determine your atmosphere. You will have to make choices for yourself at all cost. In addition to all that has been mentioned, try and be mindful of your mindset and thought. This means you should also choose the type of things you think of. The reason for this is that if you keep thinking about negative things, it will eventually affect your general well being. What you should then do is to close your eyes and think about the happy moments you have had. To crown it all, choose the right words to speak to yourself, and this implies that you remain positive in whatever you do. |