Thank you for registering for the 17th NITI Congress.
It is advisable to pay the congress fee before arrival to make things smoother at the venue. You can pay either electronically by online transfer or physically at any branch of ECOBANK:
Account Name: Nigerian Institute of Translators and Interpreters (NITI) Account Number: 1 6 9 2 0 0 0 8 2 5
CONFERENCE FEE: NITI Member: =N=10,000 - Ten thousand Naira only Non Member: =N=15,000 - Fifteen thousand Naira only
ANNUAL DUES: Corporate Member: =N=50,000 - Fifty thousand Naira only NITI Fellow: =N=25,000 - Twenty five thousand Naira only NITI Member: =N=10,000 - Ten thousand Naira only
Send us details of your payment and NITI will contact you with your official receipt and any further relevant information.