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SOURCE TEXT 1 - English-Hausa Translate into standard Hausa
Computer Networks Data communication and resource sharing is a useful tool in computing. There is the need that data be transferable from one computer to the other without actually using the moveable storage devices. Network is the best way by which data can be moved from one computer to the other. Computer resources such as scanner and printer can be shared among users at remote locations. Network is a system which brings computer and computer resources together under the same umbrella for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing. There are three main types of network: i) LAN (Local area network) is a privately owned communications network that serves users within a confined area. The range is usually within a mile perhaps one office, one building or a group of buildings close together, as a college campus. ii) MAN (metropolitan area network) is a type of network communications covering an area within a city or suburb. The purpose of MAN is often to bypass local telephone companies when accessing long distance services. Cellular phone systems are often MANs. iii) WAN (wide area network) is a communication network that covers a wide area such as a state or a country. Examples are Tymnet, Telnet, Uninet and Accunet. The internet links together hundreds of computer WANs. Most telephone systems-long distance, regional bells and local-are WANs. All these networks may consist of various combinations of computers, storage devices, computer resources and communication devices.Networks can be laid in different ways. The logical layout, or shape, of a network is called a topology. Three basic topologies are star, ring and bus. A star network is one in which all computers and other communication devices are connected to the central server. Electronic messages are routed through the central hub to their destinations. The central hub monitors the flow of traffic.A ring network is one in which all microcomputers and other communication devices are connected in a circle. Electronic messages are passed around from one computer to another until they reach the right destination. The advantage is that message flow in only one direction, hence, no collision. The disadvantage is that if a connection is broken, the whole network stops working. Bus topology is a type of network in which communication devices are connected to a common channel. There is no central server. Each communication device transmits electronic messages to the other.
SOURCE TEXT 2: Hausa-English
ZAVEN RABA GARDAMA KAN AREWACIN KAMARU Arewacin Kamaru yanki ne na zaman aminci qarqashin Majalisar Xinkin Duniya wanda yake qarqashin Turawan mulkin mallaka na Jamus kafin yaqin duniya na xaya. Turawan Burtaniya su suke gudanar da harkokin yankin. A zahiri suna qarshen lardunan Adamawa da na Borno. Adalilin samun ‘yancin kai na Nijeriya, sai aka fara tambayar cewa to wai Arewacin Kamaru zai haxe da Nijeriya ne ko kuma za su haxe da Kamaru ne ko kuma su bi wani zavin. Majalisar Xinkin Duniya sai ta bayar da shawarar cewa a yi quri’ar raba gardama domin a tantance zabin mutanen na Arewacin Kamaru. A haka wannan batu ne kamar na Nijeriya, amma a zahiri batu ne na jihar Arewa, saboda za ta qara faxaxa lardunanta daga goma sha biyu su zama goma sha uku. A shekarar 1959, ana ganin cewa kwamitin da NPC ta kafa na Adamawa ya isa ya gudanar da wannan quri’ar a kan Arewacin Kamaru xin kan haxewarsu da Nijeriya. An yi amfani da manyan jam’iyyun siyasa har guda shida don yin kamfe, biyu daga Kamaru, sauran jam’iyyun huxu daga Nijeriya. Jam’iyyun su ne: NKDP da KP da NPC da AG da NEPU da kuma BYM. Manufar manyan jam’iyyun Kamaru it ace Arewacin Kamaru na mutanen Kamaru ne. Don su samu biyan buqatarsu sai suka riqa yin kamfe suna cewa duk manyan muqamai na mulki ‘yan Nijeriya ne suke riqewa a yankin. Bayan faxuwa da aka yi a zaven raba gardama da aka yi a shekara ta 1959, gwamnatin jihar Arewa sai ta kafa kwamiti mai qarfi don ya binciko hanyoyin da suka fi dacewa na sake raba amintaccen yankin a sabon tsarin da za a gabatar. Firimiya wanda shi ne shugaban gwamnatin jihar Arewa ranar 1 ga watan Mayu na 1960 ya qirqiro sabon lardi a Arewacin Kamaru ya kira shi da suna Lardin Qasar Aminci na Arewacin Kamaru mai hedkwata a Mubi. Sardaunan Sakkwato Firimiyan Jihar Arewa ya xauki Arewacin Kamaru a matsayin batu wanda yake mai matuqar fifiko. Saboda haka sai ya naxa Wamban Daura Muhammadu Bashar Ministan Qananan Hukumomi a matsayin shugaban kamfe xin zaven kaxa kuri’ar raba gardama. An yi zave a cikin watan Afrilu na 1961 kuma sakamakon ya fito ta hanyar Majalisar Xinkin Duniya, inda sakamakon ya nuna cewa Nijeriya ta samu quri’u 146,299, Kamaru kuma ta samu 97,659. Kwamitin Amintattu na Majalisar Xinkin Duniya ya tabbatar da wannan zave na raba gardama.